
Where we are, where we were.

  • What is the Best No Code Website Builder?

    As a startup owner, you need a landing page that converts visitors into customers—but you don’t have the time or skills for coding or design. That's where EasyPageGo, the <strong>no-code</strong> <strong>website builder</strong>, comes in. <br /> EasyPageGo allows you to craft beautiful landing pages and documentation websites with ease, no prior design or coding experience required.

  • EasyPageGo is born

    For all those people who want to focus on their product without losing time crafting a beautiful landing page and documentation website, that comes easy with EasyPageGo.

    Here is not everything it comes with at the moment of writing:

    Landing Page Editor

    EasyPageGo features a versatile landing page editor that utilizes a single template. This template comes with a set of fixed elements, each of which has configurable text content to suit your brand's voice and message.

    Configurable sections

    • Header: The header includes your logo, a primary call-to-action (CTA) button, and a light-dark mode controller, allowing users to switch between themes for a better viewing experience.
    • Hero Minimal: This section features a prominent heading, a subheading, and a primary CTA, designed to capture the attention of visitors and encourage them to take action immediately.
    • One-Minute Video: A configurable element that allows you to showcase a big video summarizing your startup in less than one minute, providing a quick and engaging overview for potential customers.
    • With-Without: This section includes a title and two distinct areas. One area highlights the drawbacks of not using your product, while the other emphasizes the benefits of using it. Additionally, a configurable summary phrase can be added at the end to reinforce your message.
    • How It Works?: An informative element that features a title and three slots, each containing a title, description, and image. This layout effectively illustrates how users can benefit from your product in three simple, easy-to-understand steps, making it memorable for your audience.
    • Pricing: This section allows you to present a title, subtitle, and multiple pricing options tailored to your offerings. Each pricing option must include a title, a price, a cadence (e.g., /once, /month), a description, and a set of perks, each represented by a configurable symbol (check, line, or nothing). You can also highlight one option as the best value to guide customers in their decision-making.
    • FAQ: A dedicated section with a fixed title (Frequently Asked Questions) and a description. You can include as many Q&A pairs as needed, each with a title and detailed description to address common inquiries and concerns from potential customers.
    • Footer: The footer can be customized with as many sections as you desire, each containing multiple links to important pages, social media, or additional resources, ensuring that visitors have easy access to all relevant information.

    General notes

    These are general notes regarding the Landing Page editor:

    • Element Focus: When clicking on a configurable element, its editor area is automatically focused, streamlining the editing process and enhancing user experience.
    • Viewport Preview: You can preview your page at different viewports (xs, sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl) directly and smoothly via their buttons, allowing you to see how your landing page will look on various devices.
    • Open Graph Configuration: It is possible to configure og:title and og:metatitle for better social media sharing and visibility, ensuring that your content is presented effectively across platforms.

    Build Scheduling

    At any moment, you can navigate to the Builds page and schedule a new build for your project. After a few minutes, you will be able to download an optimized built website as many times as needed. This website is built using SvelteKit and is a fully static artifact that can be deployed anywhere, ensuring that you have complete control over your deployment options.

    One of the key advantages of using EasyPageGo is that there is no lock-in. You are free to use your optimized build without being tied to our platform, giving you the flexibility to host your website wherever you choose.

    Note: You cannot schedule a new build until the previous build has finished, whether it completed successfully or encountered an error. This ensures that each build process is completed before starting a new one.

    Documentation Website Editor

    With the Documentation Website Editor, you can create an optimized, static documentation site that is deployable anywhere. This template is designed to help you document the API or SDK you are working on, without the hassle of coding the site from scratch. It comes packed with many useful and easy-to-use components:


    • Text: A text field that supports various formats, including bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, blockquote, code, bullet list, and ordered list. You can also add links:
      • External Links: Automatically open in a new tab, keeping your site open. An additional security layer is provided with the rel="noopener noreferrer" attribute.
      • Internal Links: Link to other pages on the same site, allowing you to move, rename, or change slugs without breaking the links.
    • Callout Boxes: Colorful alerts to highlight important information, available in five variations: notes, info, success, warning, and error, each with its own icon.
    • Cards: A simple yet effective way to group information or links to other sections. Each card features a formatted title and body. On larger screens, if there’s an odd number of cards, the last one expands to fill the space, creating a harmonious layout.
    • Codeblock: Edit code directly in the editor for any of the 282 languages supported by Shiki. Choose from 45 themes for light and dark modes via the Configurations page.
    • Accordion: Create single or grouped accordions, each with a title (always visible) and a formatable body. You can also choose whether opening a new accordion closes the previous one in the same group.
    • Images and Video: Provide absolute URLs for images and videos, with configurable sizes to avoid CLS issues that can negatively impact your page's SERP score.
      • Images: Control alternative text for when the image cannot be downloaded, and add an optional caption. Images are loaded in lazy mode and decoded asynchronously for improved performance.
      • Videos: Set alternative text for when the video cannot be downloaded, and control attributes such as autoplay, loop, muted, and controls.
    • Mermaid Graphs: Edit any graph supported by Mermaid directly in the editor. You can also adjust the size of the graph to fit your content.

    Website Structure

    EasyPageGo offers full control over your website’s structure, based on a hierarchical model with a root page at its core.

    Root Page

    Every website starts with a root page, which is essential and cannot be removed.

    Child Pages

    All other pages are child pages of the root, creating a clear content flow.

    Managing Pages

    In the Pages section of your dashboard, you can manage your website’s pages with the following options:

    • Add Page Under: Create a new child page with a synchronized pathname chunk.
    • Move After: Swap the selected page with the next sibling.
    • Move Before: Swap the selected page with the previous sibling.
    • Move Inside of: Move the selected page into one of its siblings.
    • Move Outside of: Change the selected page to a sibling of its parent.

    Automatic Saving

    All page operations are automatically saved, ensuring your changes are preserved without manual saving.

    Understanding Pathnames

    The pathname defines your website's URL structure. When creating new pages, the pathname chunk is computed based on the page’s hierarchy. For example, a child page named JavaScript under /sdk will have the pathname /sdk/javascript. Moving pages will automatically update their pathnames while keeping internal links intact.

    SEO and Meta Tags

    Optimizing your website for search engines and social media is crucial for enhancing visibility and engagement. EasyPageGo simplifies this by allowing you to manage SEO and set meta tags directly within the editor.

    Meta Title and Meta Description

    You can set a meta title (required) and a meta description (optional) for each page. The meta title defaults to the rendered title of the page, while the meta description will use a default value if not provided, configurable from the Configurations page.

    Essential Meta Tags

    Each page allows you to provide a Title and an optional Description. If no description is included, a general fallback description will be automatically used, which can also be configured on the Configurations page. These inputs are utilized to generate essential meta tags for improved SEO.

    Shared Elements

    The Shared Elements page in EasyPageGo allows you to configure settings that apply consistently across your website, ensuring a cohesive look and functionality.

    General Metadata

    • Website Name: Displays in the user interface and essential files (e.g., manifest.json), representing your site's identity.
    • Base URL: Establishes the fundamental URL structure for consistent linking and sitemap generation.
    • Logo: Prominently displayed in the header for brand recognition.
    • Icon: Optional icon for the header and favicons.
    • Meta Description: General overview for pages without a custom description, enhancing search visibility.

    External Linking

    • Primary Link: A clear CTA linking to your main entry point (e.g., landing or signup page), displayed prominently in the header.
    • Secondary Link: Additional link/button for further actions (e.g., "Learn More"), supporting user engagement.


    Add social media links to connect with your audience: GitHub, X, Slack and Discord.

    These optional links appear in the footer of each page for easy access.


    • Code Block Themes: Select highlighting themes for light and dark modes to complement your documentation's design.

    By configuring these shared elements, you ensure a consistent and professional appearance while providing a seamless user experience.

    Computed Elements

    In EasyPageGo, certain elements are standardized and computed automatically, allowing you to focus on content creation while EasyPageGo manages layout and functionality.

    Built-in Search

    The final output of your EasyPageGo website includes a powerful built-in search feature, enabling users to efficiently search across all pages. This offline functionality ensures a self-contained website that operates smoothly on all devices.

    Table of Contents

    A Table of Contents (ToC) is automatically generated as you write in the Editor. Located on the right side, it lists titles in a nested format, allowing users to click and scroll to different sections while highlighting the current section for improved navigation.

    Pages Menu

    The Pages Menu on the left side of your site provides intuitive navigation, reflecting the hierarchical structure of your pages. This dynamically generated menu allows users to navigate your documentation effortlessly.

    Prev and Next Page Buttons

    Each page includes Prev and Next Page Buttons at the footer, enabling smooth navigation between consecutive pages while respecting the defined hierarchy, ensuring a fluid reading experience.

    Computed Files

    EasyPageGo automatically generates essential files to enhance your documentation website's SEO, accessibility, and usability. These files optimize site indexing, user interaction, and appearance across platforms.


    The sitemap.xml file serves as a roadmap for search engines, listing important URLs to improve indexing and visibility.

    • Automatic Generation: Dynamically created and updated with page changes for current indexing.
    • SEO Impact: Enhances crawlability and indexing for better search rankings.


    The robots.txt file instructs search engine crawlers on which parts of your site to access or avoid, managing content visibility.

    • Automatic Generation: Default file created based on standard practices, customizable for specific needs.
    • SEO Management: Controls crawler behavior to preserve SEO integrity.


    The rss.xml file provides an RSS feed for users to subscribe and receive updates, enhancing engagement.

    • Automatic Generation: Includes the latest content updates automatically.
    • User Engagement: Enables content syndication to keep users informed.


    The site.webmanifest file is crucial for converting your site into a Progressive Web App (PWA), defining its appearance on mobile devices.

    • Automatic Generation: Default file provided to facilitate PWA functionality.
    • Mobile Experience: Allows installation on home screens for quick access.


    The manifest.json file contains critical metadata about your site, ensuring a consistent appearance across devices.

    • Automatic Generation: Generated with necessary metadata for branding.
    • User Experience: Enhances visual consistency and professionalism.